3 Things To Do After You Are Injured In A Car Accident

When you get in your car the last thing you expect is to be in an accident, but they happen often and unfortunately it is easy to be injured when you're involved in a car crash. Being injured in a car accident that was not your fault can be a huge hassle-- in addition to dealing with pain and suffering, you also have to worry about your recovery, medical bills, and lost wages from being absent from work. Take the following steps after you are injured in an accident that is not your fault to help ensure that you get the settlement you deserve:

Always See a Doctor

After a car accident you may be in shock and not realize the extent of your injuries. It is also not uncommon for injuries to become more apparent in the first few days after an accident. Whether you think you're fine or believe that your injuries are only minor, it is essential to go see your doctor as soon as possible for a full examination. Early treatment may help speed up your recovery and prevent long term health problems, not to mention the fact that your medical records will most likely be important pieces of evidence in your claim with the other driver's insurance company.

Avoid Speaking to the Other Driver's Insurance Company

No matter how cordial or polite a representative from the other driver's insurance company is, you have to remember that they are not working on your behalf, and they do not have your best interest in mind. You will likely be contacted and asked to give a written or recorded statement about the events that led up to the accident, but it is a good idea to avoid speaking directly to the insurance company.

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer who specializes in injuries sustained in car accidents is one of your most valuable resources when you're trying to get a fair settlement after a car crash. Your lawyer can speak to the other driver's insurance company on your behalf in order to give your statement and negotiate a fair settlement. Personal injury lawyers understand the settlement process, so they are not intimidated and can't be talked into taking a low ball offer.

Personal injury lawyers usually work on a contingency basis, so don't let financial concerns prevent you from hiring an experienced attorney. After you receive your settlement you will pay your lawyer a portion of it for his or her services. Contact a local lawyer, like Vaughan & Vaughan, to get started.

About Me

injuries caused by property owner's neglect

Do you rent your home? How well does the property owner maintain the property? Are there areas that are just not safe? Have those safety issues caused you, or someone you love injuries? Did you know that the property owner could be held responsible for the medical treatment from those injuries? I fell down a concrete set of stairs that came out of the back of my apartment building. I hired an attorney to help me because I had tried telling my property manager that those stairs were dangerous for several months before I fell. Thankfully, I was able to get the money that I deserved and needed to pay all of the past due medical bills that I had accumulated.


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