Mesothelioma tissue lines the lungs, stomach, and other vital organs. Exposure to asbestos can lead to mesothelioma. Malignant mesothelioma may qualify a sufferer for compensation.
Asbestos Materials
An individual may contract mesothelioma if they live in a home that contains asbestos. A worker can also contract this disease if they are placed in unsafe working conditions that contain asbestos. Modern construction companies avoid using asbestos materials when conducting new building projects. In spite of changes being made to the manner in which asbestos is handled, there are many existing structures that may contain asbestos.
Mesothelioma needs to be diagnosed by a doctor. If a person with a malignant form of cancer is suffering and is expected to endure extensive medical conditions that may or may not result in death, a medical provider may recommend that a patient seeks legal counsel.
An Attorney's Role
A lawyer who handles mesothelioma cases may have experience representing individuals or handling class action lawsuits. Each case that this type of lawyer handles may be conducted differently. For instance, someone who lives in a home that contains asbestos may be enduring a much more serious medical condition than someone who only came into contact with asbestos for a shorter timeframe.
Medical records and doctors' statements are valuable resources that an attorney will need to examine. Conclusive evidence that a doctor provides will be presented in a court of law. If a lot of people are going to be filing a class action lawsuit, an attorney may request written testimony or oral testimony that one or more medical doctors can provide during a court hearing.
A doctor's testimony can be compelling and help prove that a construction company or a property owner is at fault for an individual contracting a deadly disease. A person's health will be assessed at the time of a trial. An attorney can describe the hardship that their client is currently facing. They will discuss the health complications that a client is dealing with and will describe how the cancer has taken a physical and emotional toll on their client.
Anyone who is responsible for the individual being exposed to asbestos may be summoned to attend a court hearing. A lawyer will prepare some calculated questions that they will ask during a court hearing. The testimony that is given by these people may aid in proving that a cancer patient is a victim.
For more information, contact a lawyer service such as Rogers Patrick Westbrook and Brickman Law Firm.